Crowd sourced, data donation to identify viral content on WhatsApp.
Donate your WhatsApp data privately
Your personal data is completely private. Only anonymized hashes are shared
Your private, anonymized data gets aggregated
Discover insights on viral content being shared in your community
Enable powerful search and discovery of viral disinformation
Share the app with others to make it even more powerful!
Absolute privacy
WhatsViral is built with privacy in mind. No personal information ever leaves your phone. Only information that is viral/popular on WhatsApp is exported to our servers. Learn more about how WhatsViral works here.
We mean it when we say absolute privacy! Your personal chats never leave your device. When you share data with our app, we first hash all the content before we send it to our servers. These hashes collected from multiple devices are aggregated on our server to identify content that is common across multiple users (the "viral" content). This means that even if you share a private message you shared with your friend on our app, since the same message is not found on multiple user's devices, it never leaves your phone.
WhatsViral Dashboard
Your anonymized, aggregated data allows us to identify what's viral on WhatsApp, thus creating powerful dashboards that enable the discovery of viral mis/disinformation on WhatsApp. By providing this information to trusted sources like journalists and fact-checkers, you can get information on whether you've been exposed to any misinformation recently.